Create a New Password

Create a New Password

Below are the steps of updating your password in the mobile and browser app. 

Mobile App 

  1. Along the bottom bar, select More tab indicated by three dots
  2. Tap Settings 
  3. Select Security
  4. Fill out New Password 
    1. Password must include all of the following: 
      1. 8 characters 
      2. Including 1 capital letter
      3. Including 1 numeric character
      4. Including 1 special character.: -!$%^&*()_+|~={}[]:";'<>?,./  Please be advised the “@” is not a usable special character.
  5. Tap Save & Log Out *You will have to login with the new password

Desktop App

  1. Along the left-hand bar, select Personal Settings
  2. Click Security
  3. Fill out Old Password and New Password 
    1. Password must include all of the following: 
      1. 8 characters 
      2. Including 1 capital letter
      3. Including 1 numeric character
      4. Including 1 special character.: -!$%^&*()_+|~={}[]:";'<>?,./  Please be advised the “@” is not a usable special character.
  4. Click Save

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