Manage Company Hierarchy

Manage Company Hierarchy

The Company Hierarchy allows for managers to view and edit the assets, contacts, and opportunities of the teams they manage, without needing access to other team's or all the company's assets, contacts, and opportunities. This is ideal for Canvassing teams.

For example, a manager is given a roles with a permission "Update Assets" (see Understand Roles). This permission only allows for the user to edit their own assets. However, if users are assigned underneath the manager in Company Hierarchy, the manager can now edit assets of not only themselves but also of their team.


  1. Using Pre-set Roles: To setup Company Hierarchy correctly, verify that all managers and their teams have the roles Canvassing Manager or Canvasser and not have the roles Canvassing Admin or Asset Admin.  
  2. Using Custom Roles: If you create Custom Roles, verify that the roles given to managers and their teams have permissions relating to assets, contacts, and opportunities except those with the permissions with "any".
    1. Example: A custom role can have permissions "Update Contacts", "View Assets", and "List Opportunities" but should not have permissions "Update Any Contact", "View Any Assets", "List All Opportunities".
    2. Exception: The permissions "View Any Contacts" and "List Any Contacts" can be given to roles being used in Company Hierarchy to keep a cohesive list of contacts through your company and to remove accidental duplicates.
  3. Don't Use Admin Roles: Users with the Canvassing Admin role, Asset Admin role, or custom roles with the "any" permission for assets, contacts and opportunities do not need to be set up in the Company Hierarchy, as they can already view and edit all assets, contacts, and opportunities inside the company. 

1.  Along the left-hand bar, select Company Settings tab

2.  Select Company Hierarchy

3.  Drag each User under their corresponding managers

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