Purchase Weather Events Without a Hail/Wind Map Plan

Purchase Weather Events Without a Hail/Wind Map Plan

A company without hail and/or wind maps plan in their subscription do not have access to weather event, impact reports, assets, contacts, and etc. However, if a company wants access to weather events without a subscription, they can purchase individual weather events. 

Note: To purchase an individual weather event, you will need the "Manage Billing" permission, such as with Admin and Billing Admin roles.

Purchase an individual weather event

Weather events can be purchased by follow the steps below in the Browser app

1.  Select the Maps tab

2.  Download a weather event you want to purchase 

3.  Fill out your Credit Card information

4.  Click Buy Now

Find a list of purchased weather events

Mobile App

1.  Along the bottom bar, select the More tab

2.  Tap Company tab

3.  Select Purchased Maps

3.  Tap Download

Browser App

1.  Along the left-hand bar, select Company Settings

2.  Click Purchased Maps

3.  Select a Weather Event Date to download

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