Request a Location's Impact Report

Request a Location's Impact Report

Instant Impact Report (Automated Report)

These reports automatically generate all hail and wind dates at the requested address within our map database. Although the maps are quality controlled, a meteorologist does not verify the accuracy of the data provided in these reports at the specific location.

These reports are intended to generate a summary of the basic weather history of an address dating back to 2011 to assist in determining a potential date of loss..

Mobile App 

1.  Along the bottom bar, select Maps tab

3.  Under "Address", tap Download Impact Report 
Note: If there is no Impact Report button, select a new location

4.  Fill out relevant information and click Request *You will receive an email with the generated report

Desktop App

1.  Along the left-hand bar, select Maps tab

3.  Select Address tab

4.  Click Request Impact Report button
Note: If a Impact Report button does not click through, select a new location

5.  Select the type of report
A.  Instant Impact ReportThis report will include all meteorologist map data and algorithm data in the HailTrace database

B.  Court Ready: This report is an expert witness testimony under Rule 26. You will be directed to request this report through email. Include necessary information, such as name, address, phone number, and etc.

Instant Impact Report:
6.  Under "02. Add Report Details", include any relevant information 

7.  Under "03. Add Additional Receiver's Email", include addition people you want to receive the report

8.  Click Request *You will receive an email with the link to download the report

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