1. Along the bottom bar, select Maps tab2. In the top-right corner, tap the Search buttonBUSINESS TYPE: If you are searching for a business type, first use the search bar(steps below) or manually move the map to the area you want results. For example. find Austin, TX on the map before searching "car dealerships."3. Using the search bar to find a location (Address, City, State, Zip code, County, Business Name, Business Type)
4. Select the Address
1. Along the left-hand bar, select Maps tab
BUSINESS TYPE: If you are searching for a business type, first use the search bar(steps below) or manually move the map to the area you want results. For example. find Austin, TX on the map before searching "car dealerships."2. Using the search bar to find a location (Address, City, State, Zip code, County, Business Name, Business Type)
3. Click the result to pull up the location